About Age of Elegance

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Victorian beveled glass was popular in America from the 1860’s until World War I, reaching its apex around 1890. Early beveled glass was often thicker and required a huge amount of time to produce because it was all done by hand. Hand beveling produced more character in the bevel and more interest in the refracted light coming through it. In addition, each bevel craftsman had their own ideas about the angle of bevel, further producing more distinction to a particular piece. Over time, new production techniques resulted in some of the individualistic character lent by particular craftsmen was lost.

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Antique American Victorian Beveled Glass Window AE247 Antique American Victorian Beveled Window AE249 Antique American Victorian Beveled Window AE250 Antique American Victorian Beveled Window AE252 Antique American Victorian Beveled Glass AE248 AE308 Antique American Victorian Beveled Glass Window AE352 Antique American Victorian Beveled Glass Antique American Victorian Beveled Glass AE377